
A young photographer in old Japan...via Okinawa Soba

 The last few days have been horrific and I can't seem to stop watching the news about the earthquake & tsunami in Japan...If that wasn't scary enough, now they have to worry about the meltdown of their nuclear plants. It is truly terrifying. What will happen next? I don't think anyone really knows at this point.  I suppose we can pray, send loving thoughts and donate some money.

Here is an quick and easy way to help.

"Those who want to help can go to www.redcross.org and donate to Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami. People can also text REDCROSS to 90999 to make a $10 donation to help those affected by the earthquake in Japan and tsunami throughout the Pacific."

Here are more ways to help here. 

One more...This one is started by my friend Yukino Pang and Dice Tsutsumi who were behind the Totoro Forest Project....

For up to date news, I've been getting some of the best information from the Huffington Post and Boing Boing, I highly recommend checking them out. Twitter has also been incredible in hearing real time news directly from Japan.

Thank you.

Help for Haiti

Whatever problems I have had this week in not getting motivated or being mad at myself for not getting more work done does not compare to the awful, awful events in Haiti. Sometimes I need look at the reality of the world and see just how small my problems are. But what can you do? Want to help with Haiti? Send a text to the Red Cross. Text 90999 and then type HAITI in the message and send and they will place a $10 donation on your phone bill. Thanks.

Every little bit helps...