Goodbye 2014/ Hello to an Amazing 2015!

Hello Everyone. Sorry it's been so quiet around here lately. But that's all about to change.
It's that time of the year...

My both at the SFEtsy Indie Holiday Emporium 2014
 2014 was a pretty whirlwind year for me. I made so many changes. I took some pretty scary steps this year, but looking back, I feel pretty good about them . Here's a bit of a look back in my year.
  1.  I managed to have two solo art shows.  One at a vintage clothing store, The Mysterious Rack, and at Farley's cafe. It was really amazing to create such a huge amount of new work. I've put some of the new portraits here in my Etsy shop if you would like to check them out. I will be adding more original work soon.
  2. I had my best art fair ever this November. Thanks so much SFEtsy! I'm still learning about the art fair world but am less scared of it now.
  3. As some of you know, I started working 3 days a week at New Bohemia Signs. It's been a pretty interesting adjustment from working for myself for 4 years. But man, it was something I really needed.   
  4. I was really excited to receive a mentioned on this blog post about my custom portraits. Thanks Cool Moms!
I suppose the last day of the year is the time for's my plans for 2015! I am so ready for a new year of challenges and successes!
  1. First off, redo my artist website!Well, I will confirm that I working on it! I'm building a brand new one from scratch and pretty excited about it. It is time to take myself much more serious as an professional artist and illustrator.
  2. Get back to writing more on the blog...ooops.
  3. Get involved with more artist groups. I love being one of the leaders in SFEtsy, and plan on getting more involved. I've also joined the Academy of Handmade.
  4. Getting published. Getting my work out there in the real world. Etsy has been great, but I have to keep reminding myself that it is a small world there, and I need to expand.
  5. Adding more work to my shop...weekly.
  6. Finally finish the book I've been working on the last couple of years. Get it published (we are self publishing)...printed...and make it real. 
  7. Get into more galleries and shops. Bonus: To get into larger art galleries beyond where I am now. 
  8. Learn how to hand lettering!
  9. Find some kind of healthy exersise that I enjoy. The last month or so my health has not been the best. (Mostly just a string of really bad colds). Being sick really reminded me that I need to find ways to take care of myself and stay strong.
  10. Read more books and turn off the internet more.  
Well that about wraps it up. I suppose I will call these plans not resolutions. They might have better luck being accomplished that way. But alas, here's to a awesome 2015 to all of you. May all your plans be successful, and this year be filled with new and exciting surprises for us all!

It's time for the August Meetup!

Looking a little closer at things...via The Smithsonian Institution

Wow, July just flew by, didn't it? I am ready to be pushing myself hard this month. Pushing past the rality of my 40th birthday on the 25th. Yikes....So, I've got a lot to do. But I'm pretty excited about the possibilies of it all.

So what did I accomplish in July? Not as much as I wanted but I did manage to create 10 more illustrations for my Ladies & Gents Series. I started reworking my blog. How do you like the new header so far? (there still a bit of work to be done but I'm happy with it so far.) and I worked on creating a better system for working. Yay, for better time management and making schedules...I'm doing better at finding balance with all my different projects I've been working on. And believe me, it is a very good thing.

My plans/goals for August:

  1. Get all prints up on Etsy. I'm hoping to have have at least 25 prints for sale.
  2. Start blogging for The Center for the Book.
  3. Keep schedule at New Bohemia Signs. 10 -15 hours a week. Create a solid project list.
  4. Paint a new Nursery Painting for Angela.
  5. Create a Blogging schedule and stick to it.
  6. Create at least one painting a month for Illustration Friday.
  7. Get my profile up on Illustration Mundo.
  8. Take more pictures...
  9. Draw everyday. 
  10. Start getting ready to market myself as a freelancer. Anyone have any tips? I need to get more business minded.
  11. Take a mini vacation and enjoy my birthday...
  12. Get my work out to at least one new blog or website. 
  13. Find a good exercise and mediation routine.
  14. Start creating ideas for the "Ladies & Gents" series as a book possibility.
  15. Bring some focus to working in Editorial Illustration.
  16. Practice my lettering for the sign shop 2x a week.
It should be a pretty interesting month. Wish me luck...

What is the Meetup thing, you ask? It is a group of creatives that encourage each other each month to make and complete their goals. Join is an amazing to watch the progress of others and yourself...
Contact Liz for more info here.