New Writers Portrait Illustration: Miss Emily Bronte!

Here's my latest painting in my Writers Portrait series, the lovely Emily Bronte! She is best know for writing one the classics of English literature, the heartbreaking book, Wuthering Heights!

Debra Styer, Emily Bronte and her Wuthering Heights, 2014

When painting her, I imagined her standing amongst the windswept moors features at the center of her book. She is hand painted with watercolor and gouache on illustration board. It was pretty interesting to try to get a good likeness because all the portraits of Emily are different. But I feel that my painting managed to capture a good glimpse of her. What do you think?

In reality, Emily Bronte died young, at age 30, of tuberculosis, and sadly didn't have much a love life of her own (that we know about anyway). But she managed to created two of the most passionate, yet sad, characters ever created. Heathcliff and Catherine will remain one of the worlds most beloved romantic, and tortured, couples in literature.

You can find my Emily Bronte portrait in my shop!

Hope you like her! Who should I paint next?

New Artwork: The Wish

Here's my latest Edwardian inspired illustration, "The Wish".

As a kid I lived on a small farm where we had fields of dandelions, I couldn't help myself making wishes and then blowing the seeds into the wind. I have a pretty amazing life, I guess my wishes did come true!

I have to wonder, do kids still do this?

I am also absolutely in love with the beautiful white lawn dresses the girls wore in the early 1900's and loved being able to include one in my drawings.
Debra Styer, The Wish, 2014

If you want to check out some amazing lawn dresses, I highly recommend checking out one of my all time favorite films, Peter Weir's 1975 masterpiece, "A Picnic at Hanging Rock". First of all, the film takes place in 1900, and the sets and costumes design are amazing. Secondly, it is based on a true story that blends a perfect amount of of mystery and spookiness. It is truly a breathtaking film to watch...

"The Wish" is now available in the shop!

New Work - Meet Miss Ruth!

Hi Everyone! I just wanted to share Miss Ruth, the latest illustration in my Victorian Portrait series "Ladies & Gents".

Ruth is a 38 year old mystic looking for love!

Miss Ruth was really fun to draw. It was also fun to play with my love of Polka Dots (or stars perhaps)! In the future, I'm going to experiment with some new textures and fabric design in the next few paintings.

If you are interested my limited edition Miss Ruth print, as well as all the other, "Ladies & Gents", is now available in my shop.

I hope you like her.

P.S. I have been reading The Barbary Coast (An Informal History of the San Francisco Underworld) by Herbert Asbury.  This tells about the dark history of San Francisco from the Gold Rush era, c.1949 to the Great Earthquake in 1906. Asbury writes about so many amazing crazy characters, I can help to add at least a few to the series. I highly recommend this book! You can look at San Francisco the same again...

Introducing...Miss Sarah

I'm so excited about being part of the SFEtsy group show in May. I just wanted to share the original painting I dropped off at the Gallery yesterday. (There will also be a bunch of my prints to purchase too!)

Here's Miss Sarah. Her story, she is a 27 year old, seamstress and lace maker who creates incredible dresses for all the rich woman in town. She dreams of one day being able to wear one of her own creations. Until then, she sits in the near darkness hour after hour, stitch after stitch, dreaming of a better life...

I hope you like her.

The SFEtsy group show opens on May 2nd and runs till MAy 27th.
Artist Reception, May 12th 2-6pm

Studio Gallery
1815 Polk Street
San Francisco, CA 94109

Here's more information about the show.

Introducing...New Victorian Portraits

I'm hoping you are all having a wonderful week. I have been very busy creating a bunch of new artwork. Here is the latest in my Ladies & Gents series...

So, without further ado, I'd like you to meet:

Garrett, age 32, map maker

Miss Eleanor, age 37, ghost story writer

Benedict, age 26,  footman

M. Lily, age 26, widow, laundry maid
I hope you like them. I have a few more to do in the series but I'm getting ready to write more in depth stories about each character. It is so fun. Honestly, I'm pretty proud of myself with this project. I haven't created so much artwork in years. There is so much truth in the fact that the more you do, the more want to do.

All prints are 7 x 10 and are available in the shop.

It's Time for the November Meetup!

12 year old strong girl via howtobearetronaut

I don't believe that October is over. must be time to crack the whip again. I decided that this month is going to be all about art. I know that sounds silly because all of my time should be about art, but it seems like days go by without me actually doing anything art like. I need to work on that.

Last month I was very happy to get my Etsy shop up. I added 4 new pieces am a slowly figuring out how the Etsy world works. You can check out my shop here.

I also sold my first piece on Etsy...Thank you, Paul!

Here is my November Plan:
  1. Get 10 more pieces done for Ladies & Gents series.
  2. Add these prints to Etsy
  3. Rework website...add banner and a link page.
  4. Rework blog...add handwritten bits & buttons, add more illustration.
  5. Start Nursery series... A Victorian inspired children's series. I would love at least 10 pieces done this month...if possible.
  6. Work on large illustrations for website/portfolio.
  7. Buy extra supplies for Holidays.
  8. Get business cards done. I would love to include one with each purchase.
  9. Research charities to get involved with. Does anyone know of any websites or organizations that connect artists to doing good things?
  10. Create a holiday card for family & friends.
  11. Research and experiment making necklaces/lockets with my artwork. Find suppliers.
  12. Start getting my Christmas shopping done(I don't want to panic this year)
  13. Remember to exercise!
  14. Get a better work schedule at the shop.
  15. Find time to help Ashley at Glob Paints.
  16. Research holiday fairs. Am I ready? or should I wait?
  17. Get involved with the SFEtsy.
  18. Remember to draw daily!

So that's my month. WooHoo! Hopefully I will get a lot done. I am looking forward to the holiday season. This is the first year I have anything to sell. I better get drawing. I hope you all have a successful and inspiring November!

I almost forgot. Since I am now on Etsy, do any of you have a shop you would like to share? I would love to see them. Just leave a link to your shop in the comments. Thank you!

What is the Meetup thing, you ask? It is a group of creatives that encourage each other each month to make and complete their goals. Join is an amazing to watch the progress of others and yourself...
Contact Liz for more info here.

New Illustration - Into the Woods

 As many of you may know, I have a deep passion for all things dark. Illustrating fairy tales is a great way to get some of this "Grimm" creativity unleashed. I just love painting a world of darkness. I like strong heroines that will usually survive the harshness that come their way. This is the case with my new illustration, "Into the Woods". The young girl is set out on her own as a punishment and she must face her deepest fears...and all the creepy harmful beings in the woods. Will she survive? Well, I'm creating her as a fighter...but only the next illustration will tell.

"Into the Woods" by Debra Styer is 6x8, painted with Watercolor and Gouache.

A closer look....

What is your favorite Fairy Tale? Do you like your stories spooky or sweet?
Oh yeah...a print of this lovely illustration is available in my shop!

The Black Cat and The White Mouse.

I just wanted to share my newest illustration of a black cat vs a white mouse. It was really rewarding to paint. I love trying to get the expressions of my subjects just right and the mouth on the kitty was a fun challenge.

I hope you like it...

 Merrrroooowwww....Look into his eyes...
The print of this illustration is 5 x 7 inches and was created with Watercolor and Gouache.

And he is available in my Etsy shop too.