I'm back!

Making up my future as I go along... photo via McCall's Magazine, Fortune Teller Cover 1940 by Nickolas Muray

 I'm back! After a lovely but busy vacation visiting my family and going to a wedding in Boston. I'm finally relaxed and ready to get back to work! I must say, it is always a huge relief when after a vacation you are excited to get to work instead of dreading what's next workwise. Yep, I'm happy to see what's next and currently prepping a lot of new illustration boards to get painting.Woo Hoo!

I'm getting ready to do a few more Foundlings (Victorian Kids) for my new series. I'm also going to work on a Victorian Couple for a art contest and start working on a few painting for a upcoming show in September. Basically, I'm becoming open for anything.

As far as the Editorial work I want to do, I'll be doing a bunch of new pieces. My plan would be I would love to start sending work out to publishers in September.

As far as books go, I'll be diving into Breaking Into Freelance Illustration by Holly DeWolf and The Right- Brain Business Plan by Jennifer Lee. Both books are amazing so far. I just need go deeper. What creative business books do you love?

 I will be going on bit of a journey in the next year or so. It is pretty scary to be jumping into something really new. But it's going to be fun right? Yep, I'll be learning something. Maybe you will learn something too.

During all of this I will be looking for a job in the fall. You know, something part time. Hopefully, something fun, creative and a place I can learn something. I'm trying to picture the perfect job in my mind. Chronicle Books are you hearing me?