New Work, Meet the Beetle Boy

It's the new year and I have plenty of brand spanking new ideas flowing around in my head. This year I want to work on a children's book. Something for the tomboy in all of us. I grew up spending my days walking in the woods and discovering all the cool creepy crawly things. I've already created one character for the book Abby, The Moth Girl.  Now, I wanted to introduce to my newest illustration and character, George, The Beetle Boy.

Pretty cute, huh? It's so fun to sit here dreaming up all the adventures that Beetle Boy and Moth Girl will get in. Woo Hoo!  I'm so excited to start another project. Of course, I'm still finishing up the other book but I'm going to let this I love just thinking about it.

Also, if you are interested, George, The Beetle Boy is available in the shop!

Hope you like him!

New Work...Meet the Twins!

Here's my latest illustration! Isabella and Irene are part of my Victorian Orphan series, "The Foundlings".

They were definitely an example of a illustration that kind of quickly drew itself. Do anyone else have illustrations that seem to become alive on the page?  The girls have such strong yet haunting personalities. It may seem pretty subtle, but a tiny curve in their months makes all the difference.

They can be found in my Etsy shop right here!