Lovely New Literary Love: Dostoyevsky & Wharton

Here are the latest portrait illustrations in my Writers Portrait series.

Say hello to Russian novelist, Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Best know for his works, "Crime and Punishment" "Notes from Underground" and "The Idiot".

"Crime and Punishment" has always been one of my favorite books. It has just the right amount of darkness and suspense and also all the psychological intrigue anyone can want in a really good story.

Debra Styer, Notes from Dostoyevsky, 2015

Dostoyevsky Sketch

Dostoyevsky Sketch

Mr. Serious Eyes

My Dostoyevsky are print is now available here in my shop!


Next up is my literary portrait of Ms. Edith Wharton. She work literary classics such as "The House of Mirth", "Ethan Frome" and "The Age of Innocence". She had a incredible sense of irony and classin Victorian society. Growing up in the gilded age of America, Wharton had a first hand look at all that was good in bad with the people of privilege.

Debra Styer, The House of Wharton, 2015

Edith Wharton Sketch

Edith Wharton Sketch

The under drawing.

Edith Wharton, The House of Wharton, 2015

Edith Wharton, The House of Wharton, 2015

Edith Wharton Art Print now available here in the shop!

I hope you like these two new literary portraits. I will be working on a bunch of new ones soon. Any one that I missing?