Happy unoffical start to summer...
Click photo to watch it shimmy....Coney Island 1904 via thoiphene_guy |
I don't believe it is almost summer. This year flew by. I'm so ready to get out in the sunshine, jump around in some cool water and just PLAY! Try to remember what is was like to a kid(I don't believe I'm going to be 40 in August...crap). Sometimes I forget the importance of getting away from myself and just take a day off or two to do nothing and feel absolutely no guilt about it. It's pretty hard isn't it?
Well Ok, maybe I can't exactly take time off right now...but sometime this summer I will take some time and refresh. Rejuvenate my mind and body. Yes, it will be a very good thing.
Anyone going off to somewhere amazing this summer?
Me, I've got a few camping trips planned, maybe a drive to LA and hopefully, a trip back to Massachusetts to rest by a pretty little pond and see my lovely family.
I'm hoping you are all are planning exciting fabulous summers. I can't wait to get into summer mode...summer bikini mode, well that is a whole other thing...