Debra Styer Illustration

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October Art Nouveau

I love these Art Nouveau posters. Each has such style, grace and a of touch morbidity. The use of design is incredible. Every inch of these posters are so well thought out. Beautiful hand drawn typography throughout. Wonderful design elements are even in the "lesser" of the posters. 

Try to visualize these advertising posters being plastered on every empty wall you looked. Could you imagine what the inside of a simple local market was like? It must have been so amazing...These posters sure create a mood don't they. I would have loved these as a little kid.

Truth be told, these posters aren't exactly for Halloween but they do really work well for my mood these days. I love the artists use of blacks, oranges and grays to create such a subtle darkness. They are the colors of fall and death. I  love the fact these drawings are so "quiet". Not one of characters is looking at you. Yet...I'm  drawn into the pieces because they are so silent and haunting.  They are exactly the opposite of advertising posters these days when the actors seem to devour you.

Poster for The Lottery of National Unity by Alphonse Mucha

Poster by Eugene Grasset for L. Marquet Ink
Amazing Party poster Artist Unknown

by Coles Phillips for Life Magazine
by Louis Raemaekers for an Ad for the Anti-Tariff Act 1913

Nice ad for a Mortuary artist unknown
Absinthe by Leonetto Cappiello

What will happen after she drinks this? Such a creepy guy...

And some say illustration is not art...